What is wormwood?

Wormwood is a non-native, long-lived, fragrant, perennial plant that grows to about one and a half meters. This plant grows naturally in barren, dry and rocky lands, as well as marginally along the lands and passages. The temperament of this plant in traditional medicine is hot and dry. Fasantine stands out with its green to yellow flowers along with a wonderful fragrance and an extremely bitter taste in the hot months of the year (July to September). The Chinese have been using this medicinal plant for a long time to reduce fever, improve digestive health and eliminate parasites. This plant has a psychoactive effect due to having a chemical compound called thujone, and it is also used in the preparation of wine called vermouth. These plants do not contain calories, vitamins or minerals, but they contain several plant compounds, the most well-known...

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Black pepper; Black seeds for health

Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine of the Piperaceae family. It is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. Black pepper is native to the Malabar coast of India, and is widely cultivated there and in other tropical regions. Ground, dried and cooked peppercorns have been used since ancient times both for flavoring and as a traditional medicine. Black pepper is the most traded spice in the world and one of the most common spices added to cuisines around the world. Its spiciness is due to the chemical composition of piperine, which is a different type of spiciness than the capsaicin characteristic of chili peppers. It is ubiquitous in the Western world as a condiment, often paired with salt and available on dining tables in shakers or grinders. Black pepper is the most traded spice in the world...

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