Properties of corn

Properties of corn and its effect on health

Corn or cob is one of the types of cereals. The origin of corn is America and after wheat, it has occupied the most agricultural land in the world. Corn is full of nutrients needed by the body and is a good source of fiber and is rich in it. The nature of corn in traditional medicine is cold and dry, and people who have a cold or gloomy temperament should avoid consuming it a lot. The use of corn with its modifiers is suggested. These modifiers include olive oil, honey and grape juice. Corn has countless properties Genetics Many forms of corn are used as food, sometimes different categories are made according to the amount of starch: Flour corn (Zea mays var. amyalcea) Popcorn corn (Zea mays var. everta) Horse...

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Ancient sesame seed

Sesame is an annual plant which has a height of about one meter. Its leaves are oval, narrow and sharp. Its white or red flowers appear one by one next to the leaves at the end of the stem. The fruit of this plant is in the form of a capsule and contains small, flat and oval seeds, which are called sesame seeds, and this is the part used by this plant. The main homeland of Sesame is India, from where it has spread to other parts of the world. Currently, China is the largest producer in the world. India and Abyssinia are after China in terms of production. Halwa is a type of sweet made from crushed and sweetened sesame. In Europe and North America, these seeds are used to flavor and decorate various dishes.Like breads and other...

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