Dried Fruits

dry duke cherry: Properties, uses and maintenance

dry duke cherry

a full guide to the dry duke cherry : properties , applications and maintenance

dried sour cherry is one of the most popular dried fruits , which is used in many foods , desserts and beverages due to their delicious taste .

in addition to the pleasant taste , this fruit has excellent health properties and regular consumption can have positive effects on immune system performance , heart health and weight loss .

in this paper , we will study the benefits , consumption items and correct methods of drying of dried sour cherry .

  1. introduction of dry cherry

dry duke cherry is one of the best methods for preserving sweet cherry fruits and is one of the best methods to preserve fruit properties in long term .

drying methods can be done in two ways : traditional and traditional methods , in both methods , the nutritional value of sour cherry is largely maintained .

difference of fresh and dry duke

the duke cherry contains more water and has a softer flavor than the dried type .


sour cherry , due to its removal of water , has a sour taste and its nutrient concentration is higher .

the vase life of dried sour cherry was longer than that of fresh sour cherry , and it can be used in all seasons .

  1. unique properties of dried sour cherry

2.1. full of antioxidants

sour cherry contains a high amount of potent antioxidants such as پلی‌فنول‌ها and flavonoids which helps to reduce inflammation in the body and protect the cells from the damage of free radicals .

it reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer , diabetes and heart disease .

2.2. improvement of heart health

sour cherry consumption helps improve heart function and reduce blood pressure due to its beneficial compounds such as potassium , anthocyanin and fiber .

these nutrients cause blood vessels and reduce the risk of stroke and stroke .

2.3. regulation of blood glucose

unlike many sweet snack , sour cherry has less effect on blood glucose and can be an appropriate choice for people with diabetes .

the fibre in it slows down the flow of sugar and prevents the sudden fluctuations in blood glucose .

2.4. improving sleep quality

one of the unique features of dried sour cherry is the existence of natural melatonin .

melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycle and regular consumption of dry sour cherry can help improve sleep quality and decrease insomnia .

2.5. weight loss and increased metabolism

dry duke cherry has low calorie and high fiber content which increases satiety and reduces appetite to food .

this property has changed the dried sour cherry to a great alternative to weight loss .

also , the compounds in this fruit help to increase body metabolism and prevent accumulation of fat in different parts of the body .

2.6. inflammation and joint pain

the dry duke cherry , due to its anthocyanin and anti – inflammatory compounds , can be effective in reducing muscle and articular cartilage .

many of use sour cherry or sour cherry juice to reduce post – training post cortisol .

  1. dry cherry applications in cooking and beverages

sour cherry is used in many food and beverages because of its sour taste .

following are some of the common applications :

3.1. use of food

Cherry Pilau : one of the most famous iranian foods is cooking , rice and cooking meat .

sour cherry stew : it has a taste of mels and different , and is prepared with chicken or chicken .

salads : add a dried sour cherry to salads gives a fresh and pleasing flavor .

3.2 use of desserts and confectionery

sweet cherry and pie : a dried sour cherry is used to embellish the cakes and biscuits .

jam and marmalade

fruit dessert and desserts : the mixture of dried sour cherry with jelly desserts produces a special flavor.

3.3. use in drinks

dried sour cherry ( sour cherry ) is a useful and useful drink to reduce stress and improve sleep .

sour cherry syrup : preparation of cherry syrup with sour cherry is a sweet and sweet beverage in summer .

  1. correct procedures for drying of cherry trees

in order to maintain the freshness and quality of dried sour cherry , it is necessary to observe the following points :

dry and cool storage : keep the dry duke cherry in a dry and dry container to prevent spoilage .

use of fridge or freezer : for long – term storage , you can put dry sour cherry in the freezer or freezer.

this saves the flavor and quality .

keeping away from direct sunlight : placing a dry duke with sun light will reduce vitamins and color change and taste .

use glass or plastic containers : it is best to keep the dry cherry in a sealed glass or glass container to prevent air and air pollution .

sour cherry is a healthy and nutritious snack that , in addition to unique flavor , has a lot of properties for body health .

reducing inflammation and improving sleep quality to help reduce weight and strengthen the immune system , this dry fruit can play an important role in your daily diet .

also , its extensive applications in cooking and preparing dri

nks have caused the dry duke cherry to become one of the most popular dried fruits among people .

nutritional tips

-sour cherry is rich in antioxidants and anti – inflammatory compounds .

-it has high fiber to help improve digestion and control blood glucose .

-its normal sugar is high , so diabetic people should be cautious about it .

-high potassium helps regulate blood pressure .

Nutritional value table of dried cherries ( 100 g )

nutrient content amount unit
energy ( calorie ) 325 kcal
carbohydrate 78 g
food fiber 4.5 g
natural sugar 45 g
protein 2.5 g
total fat 0.4 g
potassium 900 mg
calcium 35 mg
iron 1.3 mg
mg 20 mg
phosphorus 45 mg
vitamin c 1.5 mg
vitamin a 30 iu
vitamin k 3.2 mg



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