Rosewater import and supplier rosewater

  Rosewater is a product that is prepared from the distillation of rose flowers. Due to the fact that Iran is one of the largest producers of this product has a high export capacity. we are one of exporter and supplier rosewater. More Information about Rock Candy  in: Rose-Water-Catalogue.pdf rosewater import Iranian rosewater are exported to several countries, and countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Spain, China, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, etc. are among the importers of Iranian rosewater. High quality Rose flowers and advanced and traditional factories in which the necessary standards for rose production are observed have all made Iran have a satisfactory performance in the export of rosewater in the domestic...

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import Saffron rock candy

supplier and import saffron rock candy rock candy is created from a long natural process of very slow, high-purity re-crystallization on a cotton thread or a stick, without the addition of crystal grains. As a result, the production of what is called candy in Iran is very different from what is called rock candy in other countries. Candy is the purest type of sugar. Any other impurities that may form in other sweeteners are removed to make the candy. Candy is used with hot drinks such as coffee, tea, tea, milk, etc. Rock candy  is less processed and sweeter than white sugar, and with 20% fewer calories, it does not lose as much flavor as sugar. This product is exported by Hosna export company to neighboring countries such as...

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pickled cucumber and gherkin

  there are many pickled cucumber and gherkin supplier in the world. pickled cucumber and gherkin have consumes a lot. and most of people use it in sandwich and another meal for eating. thats why there are big capacity for import and sell it in different country. if we search and check this market we can see , there are almost 710,000,000 usd import value for pickled cucumber. and this is good opportunity for enter to this market. Pickled cucumber and gherkin known in international market with this HS CODE : 200110 More Information about pickled cucumber in: Other-Products-Catalogue.pdf   How can you import pickled cucumber and gherkin? should know what kinds of pickled cucumber and gherkin...

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Dried prunes supplier and largest importer

dried prunes supplier (plum) Prune (plum) is one of the smooth and sour fruits that is produced in most countries of the world and is one of the major producers in the United States and the state of California, where California black plum is produced.but Hosna export is dried prunes supplier from Iran and Uzbekistan. Iran has a good position in the production of plums and dried plums that have different varieties. More Information about Prune in: Dried-Plum-Catalogue.pdf Its processing method is dry sun and also sulfur and it is known in the market with different colors and names and is import by the different countries . One of the comparative advantages of dried fruits that they produced in Iran, is the competitive price and quality desired by the customer, which is extremely important for importers...

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Tomato paste supplier from Iran

Tomato paste is one of the most important ingredients for cooking and preparing all kinds of food. tomato paste and aseptic supplier In Iran, a large volume of tomatoes is produced annually in different seasons on farms, and due to the high production of this product, processing factories turn it into tomato paste and make this product with different packaging and different brix. They supply to the domestic market. Hosna export company is cooperating with tomato paste production factories and has the ability to supply various types of tomato paste and aseptic. More Information about Tomato Paste in: Tomato-Paste-Catalogue.pdf The aseptic process causes the tomato paste to be sterilized and the tomato paste is prepared for delivery to the destinations in all hygienic and quality ways.

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Yeast supplier and yeast importer

Baking Yeast is one of hundreds of yeast species known scientifically as Saccharomayces Cerevisia. yeast supplier from Iran with reasonable price This paste is a microscopic substance that is produced as a result of its growth in paste, carbon dioxide and other organic materials. The resulting carbon dioxide increases the volume, porosity and porosity of bread and other organic compounds, increases the nutritional value and flavor of bread. More Information about Yeast in: Other-Products-Catalogue.pdf method of preparing yeast in factory Industrial yeast production takes place through a biological process in hitech factories. The production of this product is done with strict quality control and supervision and a very high health standard.The primary seed (sosh) is fed in a completely sterile and hygienic environment with molasses from sugar...

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Beans supplier and import beans

Beans are a group of products that are produced in different markets and different countries and they use in all countries of the world. we are beans supplier. producers of legumes (beans supplier) The largest producers of legumes are Morocco, China, the Netherlands, Guatemala, the United States, Mexico, France, Kenya, Canada, Russia and Ethiopia. Due to the high consumption of beans in the world, this product is produced in different countries. Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are also producers of these products, and Hosna export  company exports these products from these countries. We are one of the suppliers of beans in the Middle East. More Information about Beans in: Beans-Catalogue.pdf beans specification for import and HS code:

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caramel and condensed milk supplier

Sweetened condensed milk uses for making  different food and dessert. Or some of people use it for breakfast. But anyway if you need caramel and sweetened condensed milk  , Hosnaexport is condensed milk supplier and you can import this products and kind of milk powder with us. More Information about Condensed Milk and Caramel in: Milk-Catalogue.pdf What is condensed milk ? Sweetened condensed milk is made by removing most of the water from cow’s milk. This process leaves behind a dense liquid, which is then sweetened and canned. Though it’s a milk product, sweetened condensed milk looks and tastes different than regular milk. It’s sweeter, darker in color and has a thicker, creamier texture. Sweetened condensed milk also has a long...

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