Food Product

Amazing properties of parsley

Parsley is usually consumed fresh and dry and has many benefits. A flowering plant native to the Mediterranean region and widely cultivated as a spice, herb and vegetable. Parsley is widely used in Eastern European, European and American cuisines. This plant is light green in color and is a biennial plant in temperate regions and an annual plant in tropical and subtropical regions.

As a rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, this plant has many health benefits. Traditional medicine experts emphasize the use of this plant. To benefit from the many properties of this plant, it is recommended to include it in your diet in dry and fresh form.

This aromatic plant is available in four seasons and the best type of parsley in our country grows in Shahroud. The properties of parsleyhave led to its use in the production of various chemical and traditional medicines.

Dried Parsley

Dried Parsley

Dried parsley has many uses and can remain in kitchen cupboards or cupboards for a long time like a green treasure. It is a nutritious seasoning that has many vitamins and antioxidants. Dry parsley infusion is useful for removing blemishes and acne. Drinking dry parsley tea helps in better digestion of food and eliminates the bad smell caused by eating smelly foods. Eating dry or fresh parsley helps to freshen the breath. Used to decorate or flavor different soups.

To prepare dry parsley, it is enough to wash them with the stem and dry them. Divide them and tie them with a small thread. Place in a dark and dry place to dry. You can dry them in the oven, microwave or in the sun. To dry it, the ancients often dried it in front of the sun.

Why should you choose Hosna Export Company as your supplier?

We are the exporter of Dried Parsley.

We follow strict quality control (QC) measures for all our product processes.

You can send your request, we can prepare it for you.

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Importer of dried parsley in the world

Product :071290 Dried Parsley

ImportersSelect your indicators
Value imported in 2022 (USD thousand)Trade balance in 2022 (USD thousand)Annual growth in value between 2018-2022 (%)Annual growth in value between 2021-2022 (%)Share in world imports (%)Average distance of supplying countries (km)Concentration of supplying countriesAverage tariff (estimated) applied by the country (%)
United States of America3375948186-131301092571513.378390.081.5
United Kingdom816299884-2858183394173.243440.050.7
Korea, Republic of731366344-477815859192.958630.086.6
Hong Kong, China669093235-576113323-62.629520.190
Taipei, Chinese43733582940916512121.752110.084.9

List of importers for the selected product in 2022


  • Antibacterial property
  • Improve the digestive system
  • hair strengthening
  • Useful for pregnancy
Dried Parsley
  • Source of copper
  • Regulation of the menstrual cycle
  • Shrinking swollen glands
  • Skin health
  • Treatment of night blindness
  • eye health
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Reducing the risk of cancer
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Bone and joint health
  • Prevent osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Regulation of cholesterol levels
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • kidney health

Complications and contraindications

  • People with severe kidney problems should not consume parsley.
  • Parsley contains large amounts of vitamin K. It can interact with anticoagulants.
  • People who use diuretic drugs should not consume parsley tea.
  • Parsley may make the skin sensitive to sunlight and cause itching and rashes.
  • Excessive consumption of parsley is harmful for children, and some people are allergic to the combination of parsley and lemon. Consuming too much parsley slows down the blood flow.

Nutritional value table

The main constituentAmount per 100 grams
energy (calories)292 kilocalories
carbohydrate50.64 grams
Protein26.63 grams
fat5.48 grams
Water5.89 grams
fiber26.70 grams
sugar Loaf7.27 grams
Cholesterol0.00 mg
Vitamins of dried parsley
The name of the vitaminAmount per 100 grams
Vitamin A97.00 micrograms
Vitamin D0.00 µg
Vitamin E8.96 mg
Vitamin K1359.50 micrograms
Vitamin C125.00 mg
Thiamine (B1)0.20 mg
Riboflavin (B2)2.38 mg
Niacin (B3)9.94 mg
Choline (B4)97.10 mg
pantothenic acid (B5)1.06 mg
Vitamin B60.90 mg
Folate (B9)180.00 micrograms
Vitamin B120.00 mg
Minerals of dried parsley
The name of the mineralAmount per 100 grams
Calcium1140.00 mg
iron22.04 mg
magnesium400.00 mg
phosphorus436.00 mg
potassium2683.00 mg
sodium452.00 mg
Roy5.44 mg
copper0.78 mg
Manganese9.81 mg
selenium14.10 micrograms
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