Food Product

Get to know the strange properties and side effects of red beans!

It is one of the common types of beans. Due to its appearance similarity in shape and color to kidney, this bean is named red beans (in English: Kidney bean). Red beans can be confused with other beans that are this color, including azuki beans.

The color of red beans is reddish brown. Red beans take on the flavor of spices when cooked. Red beans are a rich source of nutrients in a way that can be a good option for vegetarians who don’t eat meat, and can actually use it as red meat. There are basically three types of red beans, including red beans, azuki beans (large red beans) and small red beans.

Most of the consumption of red beans is in the food industry. Red beans have a special place in the Iranian food list and are used to prepare popular dishes such as vegetable stew and bean soup.

Why should you choose Hosna Export Company as your supplier?

We are the exporter of Kidney beans.

We follow strict quality control (QC) measures for all our product processes.

You can send your request, we can prepare it for you.

Contact us for more information.

Importer Red Beansin(Kidney beans) the world                                                      

Product : 070820 Red Beans(Kidney beans )

ImportersSelect your indicators
Value imported in 2022 (USD thousand)Quantity imported in 2022Quantity UnitUnit value (USD/unit)Annual growth in value between 2018-2022 (%)Annual growth in quantity between 2018-2022 (%)Annual growth in value between 2021-2022 (%)
United States of America342312155755Tons2198815
United Kingdom15831754508Tons2904-21-28
United Arab Emirates1092514477Tons755-2614
New Zealand5093911Tons5591-5-18-35
Russian Federation48603188Tons15243015-10
Czech Republic44161742Tons2535181220
Taipei, Chinese35272220Tons15890-716

List of importers for the selected product in 2022


red beans
  • To treat constipation
  • To strengthen the immune system
  • For heart health
  • To strengthen bones
  • To prevent cancer
  • For the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
  • To regulate blood sugar and diabetic patients
  • For blood pressure
  • To clean the stomach and abdomen
  • To reduce migraines
  • To maintain skin health
  • For the treatment of rheumatism
  • A natural detoxifier
  • Has anti-aging properties
  • For heart health
  • To help relieve asthma

Complications of red beans

  • Hemagglutinin poisoning
  • Digestive problems
  • Cancer risk
  • Organ damage

Nutritional value table of raw red beans

The main constituentAmount per 100 grams
energy (calories)333 kcal
carbohydrate60.01 grams
Protein23.58 grams
fat0.83 grams
Water11.75 grams
fiber24.90 grams
sugar Loaf2.23 grams
Cholesterol0.00 mg
Raw red bean vitamins
The name of the vitaminAmount per 100 grams
Vitamin A0.00 µg
Vitamin D0.00 µg
Vitamin E0.22 mg
Vitamin K19.00 micrograms
Vitamin C4.50 mg
Thiamine (B1)0.53 mg
Riboflavin (B2)0.22 mg
Niacin (B3)2.06 mg
Choline (B4)0.00 mg
pantothenic acid (B5)0.78 mg
Vitamin B60.40 mg
Folate (B9)394.00 micrograms
Vitamin B120.00 mg
Minerals of raw red beans
The name of the mineralAmount per 100 grams
Calcium143.00 mg
iron8.20 mg
magnesium140.00 mg
phosphorus407.00 mg
potassium1406.00 mg
sodium24.00 mg
Roy2.79 mg
copper0.96 mg
Manganese1.02 mg
selenium3.20 micrograms

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